Thursday, 24 September 2015

7 Memory Boosting Foods Moms should include in their Children’s Diets

Having a good memory is of utmost importance for everyone especially students whose performances in exams solely depends upon if they remember what they have studied. Putting in all the effort but still being unable to remember can be quite frustrating for students.

Take a look at the 7 foods which enhance one’s memory:

1)      Boiled egg: This nutritious food is not only a rich source of proteins and vitamins but also of an important nutrient called choline. Choline improves the brain functions and it especially betters the memory of a person. Other sources of Choline are wheat germ oil, spinach and beetroot.

2)      Fish: Fishes like Salmon are a rich source of Omega 3 fatty acid which boosts the performance of human brain. For those who do not like the taste of fish, fish oil capsules are also commonly available in market.

3)      Walnuts: Walnuts are rich in a special type of Omega-3 acid which helps the body age slower. Walnuts also protect the brain cells from radical damage.

4)      Brahmi – India has given the world many life-saving herbs and Brahmi is one of them. This famous ayurvedic medicine is known to boost the power of brain and sharpen memory.

5)      Turkey – This meat contains an amino acid called L-tyrosine which is used by the brain to create a chemical – dopamine - that is responsible for a person’s memory. Dopamine is also responsible for making a person alert. Other sources of L-tyrosine are chicken, cheese and almonds.

6)      Rosemary oil capsules – This magical herb has been used traditionally in various therapies to improve memory. It is widely used in cooking and spa treatments for mental relaxation.

7)      Gingko Biloba – Gingko increases blood circulation in the entire body, thereby supplying enough blood and oxygen to the brain and increases memory in a person. Gingko Biloba supplements are commonly available in all medical stores. Read more....

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