Friday, 9 October 2015

Instilling good values in kids is education too

One cannot fully emphasize the importance of having good values. Since good values are one of the most intangible qualities one could have, many often don’t regard it necessary. Young children are impressionable and pick up everything the society around them propels. Social Emotional Learning needs to be accepted and taught to kids so that they grow up to be good humans. Qualities like compassion, tolerance, kindness helps an individual contribute to the society positively.
People skills may not be a listed official job requirement but it is not any less than a person’s educational qualification as a bad image or lack of people skills makes it almost impossible for a person to grow in an organization. It’s only too late when a person realizes its importance. Once children learn negative qualities it is difficult to make them unlearn once they grow up. Famous adage ‘What you sow is what you reap’ has us aware somewhere in our minds that to be treated well one must often learn to treat others well.
A developed EQ also equips a person to handle problems in his life with a certain level of maturity. Individuals with poor tolerance often react to bad situations only to make the issues at their hands worse. Parents and teachers should play a role in helping children differentiate right from wrong and have role models who are not just successful but also exceptional human beings who are grounded and know how to treat other human beings.
Our society may show that individuals have a sense of community but the prevalence of apathetic anti-social elements can influence other individuals to resort to malice for their own safety or benefit. Children need to be taught that goodness eventually triumphs everything and that evil cannot be countered with evil. Enforcing such behavior would help them handle future challenges in a positive way.
Adults are the torchbearers of behavior and character for the young people and they must consciously take the effort to shape the young minds in a positive way. Adults must try and be the ideal role models which their children seek or see to it that their children find the right role models to learn from. To sum it up instilling social values is as important as becoming an educated individual because the only threat to humanity is other humans who fail to be humane.Read more..

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